<< backChile, as it exists today, has its origins right in the heart of Santiago: The city’s center has been the site of election victory celebrations
and the fall of presidents, the site of marches, demonstrations, the visit of the Pope, and of people going about their own
work and lives. Here, the streets are layered with memories, although today most of them have disappeared from sight.
For their project ‘AppRecuerdos’, Sonido Ciudad (Chile) and Rimini Protokoll (Haug/Kaegi/Wetzel) went on a quest for these memories.
Rather than conduct interviews, they asked all kinds of people, ranging from a Minister of Economic Affairs to the owner of a kiosk,
to share their memories and disseminate them across the city’s buildings, park benches and entrance ways. Over the course of a year,
they accumulated content for this walkable archive, an invisible museum that will open its doors as part of the festival Santiago a Mil in January 2017.
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