“The Others” Triennial of Tbilisi, Georgia

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“The Others” A Magic Carpets art residency, Georgia, 2018


Alrededor de una mesa cubierta con un mantel con relatos impresos sobre desplazamientos forzados, se reunieron 20 personas para conocer,
para estrechar lazos y para hablar “del otro”. Comimos, leímos y finalmente trazamos lazos entre las personas que estábamos ahí. Un hilo, un
papel, vasos, platos del periodo de la Unión Soviética, comida chilena, una mezcla de cosas diversas sobre una superficie colectiva.


The Others” A Magic Carpets art residency, Georgia, 2018

Around a table covered with a tablecloth with printed stories about people who must abandon his places by force, 20 people gathered to meet,
to strengthen ties, and to speak “of the other”. We ate, we read, and finally, we drew bonds between the people that were there. A thread, a paper,
glasses, dishes from the period of the Soviet Union, Chilean food, a mixture of different things on a collective surface.

Funded by MagicCarpets and Creative Europe Programme of the European Union 
More information about my residency